Hi, my name is Dave and here is a little about myself and how Fit to Trip came about.

I started my working life at the age of 16 as an apprentice electrician. I continued this career for 14 years, but lost my love for it somewhere along the way. During the last few years of electrical work I found a passion for furniture making and began building recycled timber furniture for local friends and family in my spare time. Then, in 2017 I put all the skills I had learnt over the years to the test and with the help of my Fiancé, we converted our first van. In a few short months we were off on our first trip in Herbert The Hiace. After the first small trip around South Australia we made some minor adjustments before we saved up and took off on an 8 weeklong trip around Tasmania.

Needless to say, the whole process sparked an appetite for not only travel but ignited the desire for a career change. I realised I had a passion for design, and seeing it go from an idea to a reality. In August 2021 I decided to quit my job and take the risk to pursue my passions, and therefore, ‘Fit to Trip’ was born.

Working with clients to bring their vision to life is just one of the many perks of the job, and there is no better feeling than to see the joy on the clients face as they drive out of the workshop.

Although we specialize in van conversions we also get the same joy and satisfaction out of fitting out Ute canopy’s, while also offering tradesman vehicle fit outs and dual battery installations.

If you are looking for any of these services, hit the button below and lets get this ball rolling.